Setsucon is an annual two day anime convention held during January at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA. The convention's name comes from the Japanese word setsu, meaning "snow". It is organized by the Penn State Anime Organization (PSAO).
Video Setsucon
The convention typically offers anime showings, artist alley, card-game tournaments, dance, dealer's room, host auction, Iron Cosplay, karaoke, manga library, marshal arts demonstrations, masquerade, Rock Band Idol, panels, video gaming and workshops. The 2008 host auction raised $1,200 and was donated to the United Way. Todd Haberkorn participated in the 2013 host auction, raising $510 for charity. The host auction in 2014 raised nearly $500 for Child's Play. Richard Epcar and Stephanie Sheh participated in the 2015 host auction, along with several cosplayers, raising $800 for Child's Play.
Maps Setsucon
Due to financial issues, the conventions first year in 2007 was reduced from three days to one day. In 2008, the convention expanded to two days due to additional funding. The artists' alley and dealers' room were expanded in 2014. The dance was shut down early in 2015 because of complaints including poor behavior.
In 2018, the convention will move to the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona.
Event history
External links
- Setsucon Website
Source of article : Wikipedia